Category 1 Fin Clarification, Timers This Weekend

Brian Pursley

Hello Hurricanes Families,

Here are just a couple of quick updates for the middle of this week. 

Thanks a lot!

Coach Brian


Category 1 Fins

We have highly recommended that each swimmer in Categories 2 and up purchase the Arena Powerfin Pro (available here).

I apologize that I created some confusion among Category 1 families about their fins, particularly since many Cat 1 swimmers have not yet grown into the Arena fins.

Here is a little more clarity:

For now, our community stock of smaller sized fins is holding up strong. We will make it at least through the summer before we need to make any changes. That means Category 1 swimmers do not need to buy fins now.

If any Category 1 swimmers have the desire to use their own fins instead of the community fins, we still recommend the Arena Powerfin Pro. For swimmers who have not yet grown into the smallest size of the Arena Powerfin Pro, we recommend the Speedo Switchblade Fin available here.


Timers This Weekend

At the weekend's meet, our host, FAST, will be providing all the timers. I'm sorry to disappoint the legion of volunteers who is amped to make the Hurricanes the best timing team in Colorado, but this time we are off the hook and will have to wait for the next meet.