Comprehensive Calendar, Fall Basecamp, Fall Tune-Up

Brian Pursley

Dear Hurricanes Families

Wishing all our athletes the best of luck at the Colorado Zone 2 Meet this weekend at Denver University! We have a large group of competitors, including many who are participating for the first time this summer. I am thrilled to witness the spirit and energy that we can generate with a large team.

We are still working towards our goal of selling 150 Troutdale Tavern gift cards at a discounted rate of 10%. Card deliveries are expected to begin next week. I encourage you to consider dining at Troutdale Tavern this summer and sign up to purchase your gift cards here.

Please take a moment to read the important information below regarding upcoming opportunities and plans for the Hurricanes. This email contains crucial details about the coming months, so please read it carefully to prepare for what lies ahead. Stay tuned for more updates in the coming weeks.

Thank you and go Hurricanes!

Coach Brian


Comprehensive Calendar

We have recently published the Comprehensive Winter Calendar for the 2023-2024 Season. While there may be updates throughout the year, we aim to maintain an up-to-date calendar with a lead time of 9-12 months to assist families in planning. Please refer to the calendar here.

Upon closer examination, you will notice significant changes to last year's training and competition schedule. After gaining experience with the Hurricanes and our community, we have learned valuable lessons about optimizing training cycles to align with the school and lifestyle patterns of our families.

This winter, we will implement explicit cycles of training peaks and recovery, including several mid-season breaks that divide the training year into 4-8 week cycles. Planned breaks can be integral to a successful season, while unplanned breaks taken sporadically can impede progress. By coordinating our season plan and team breaks with the school schedule, we can account for times when our families will be traveling or have other priorities. Aligning your travel and attendance schedule with this season plan will ensure your athlete stays on track for exceptional progress throughout the year.

Swimmers will have a clear understanding of the goals and challenges of each training cycle this fall. Embracing challenges, anticipating and enjoying recovery, and comprehending the process as a whole are all enriching aspects of an effective program. This calendar will serve as a tool for our staff to enhance the athletes' experience throughout the year.



A significant component of this season plan is Basecamp. Although we have a break from our regular schedule from the end of July through Labor Day, our senior swimmers can make important progress during this period. Basecamp is where it all happens.

This year's Basecamp will be condensed into three weeks to allow athletes some time off before we resume our regular fall/winter schedule. We extend an invitation to all athletes currently in Categories 3, 4, 5, and Surge. You can find the schedule for Basecamp and the Fall Tune-Up here.

Last year, Basecamp participants gained a clear advantage in fitness and preparedness for the winter season. Since participation played a vital role in setting the stage for success, we want to ensure that the price is not a barrier to anyone. This year, we are offering Basecamp at cost for $250.00 per swimmer.

Basecamp serves two primary purposes:

Establishing a fitness foundation for the fall season: By starting September with fit athletes, we have more opportunities to focus on skill development and advanced fitness goals. Beginning the year this way can be a game-changer!

Strengthening our team: Through our dryland program, mountain climb, camping, open water swim, and the pursuit of new training milestones, we create unforgettable experiences that bring our team together and foster camaraderie.

Participation in Basecamp is highly encouraged, as it has a significant impact on the potential for growthand improvement this fall. I urge you to make a commitment to the best of your ability.

Registration for Basecamp is due by July 31st, and a separate registration email will be sent out shortly.


Fall Tune-Up

This year's Fall Tune-Up consists of four sessions focused on stroke and turn development at Hiwan over a two-week period. It is designed specifically for athletes currently in Category 1 and 2, but is open to all Hurricanes. The entire program is offered at a cost of $75.00. You can find the schedule for Basecamp and the Fall Tune-Up here.

The primary goal of the Fall Tune-Up is to introduce and reinforce essential drills, skills, and habits that swimmers will need to practice throughout the regular season.

Registration for the Fall Tune-Up is encouraged by July 31st, and a separate registration email will be sent out soon.